Render of the Day 0013#

It’s a Mine Craft grass block! There’s no link to the model cube used in the render, as this is one of the default models that ship with 3D Box Shot Pro. Sometimes it’s nice to look at small elements of things in greater detail. So in this short article, I’m going to explain how I was able to create the textures to make these renders. You’ll need a couple of things to do this:

  • The PC version of MineCraft
  • PhotoShop CS2 or above
  • 3D Box Shot Pro

If you have the PC version of MineCraft you can easily access all the textures that the game uses with very little trouble. On Windows 10 type %appdata% into the search bar and open the app data folder. Navigate to the following folder within appdata. Any version of Minecraft will do, it just so happens that I’m using 1.9.2 in the example:


copy the jar file and move the copy to another folder. I created one called Minecraft textures. Rename the .jar file to .zip, the unzip the file. You can find all of the MineCraft textures in the following folder …\1.9.2\assets\minecraft\textures\blocks

There are hundreds of these and the individual files are tiny at just 16 x 16 in 32 bit colour. This causes a problem if you attempt to load these tiny textures directly onto the cube model in 3D Box Shot Pro, as the program will scale the textures to fit making them look very muddy. For example here’s what the block looks like in 3D Box Shot Pro if we don’t make the textures bigger:


The texture appears blurry and muddy looking. In order to work around this issue, an additional step is required. The textures need to be resized without introducing any blurring. In order to do this all you need to do is resize the image in photoshop with the nearest neighbour option selected:

The select the Nearest Neighbour resample image option and set the size you require. 512 x 512 is fine for our purposes. Click OK to resize the image and save the bigger version:



This results in an image looking like this, with the pixels clearly defined and not in the least bit blurry. This technique is of course very useful any time you need to work with pixel art in a larger format without it looking fuzzy:


Using this technique you can render pretty much any of the simple blocks in Minecraft in 3D Box Shot Pro.

Render of the Day 0008#

It’s a curved LCD TV:

The curved TV is one of those inventions that seems to exist not because it’s a good idea, but because it looks cool. In reality, curved screens have an many drawbacks as they do benefits. As they are not exactly new, if they did provide a better viewing experience for most people, they would already be much more widely adopted. As it stands, the sales figures for these screens, or lack thereof, speak for themselves. Anyway, that’s enough of a rant from me. If you would like to download the model you can find it here:


Render of the Day 0007#

Newspaper, read all about it! In the current climate, the media is under greater scrutiny and suspicion of bias than ever before, with accusations of “fake news” flying around. Images like this can be useful to include in articles about the media or freedom of speech:


I liked this model as it takes the form of a broadsheet newspaper, rather than a tabloid and it’s very simple to texture. Adding your own textures could potentially be quite challenging, as a broadsheet newspaper would be too big to scan. Instead you would need to photograph the texture then crop it to the correct size.

You can download the broad sheet newspaper model from the following location: